

Why is Synchronous Meditation considered more effective than individual meditation?

It has been observed multiple times that when many people are simultaneously focussed upon something, there is a significant effect. The TimeSpace Navigator app is a series of synchronous guided meditations, each with a specific intention.

Why 7 apps?

The technology for synchronization is quite advanced and would be too much bandwidth for just one app to facilitate.

Is TimeSpace available for Apple/iOS devices?

This is coming soon! At the moment TimeSpace is only available for Android Devices and downloadable from the Google Play Store. Apple/iOS releases will be available soon. Please follow our News.

How frequently do I have to use the Synchronous Meditations of the TimeSpace apps?

There are no limits. You can do it few times per week or every day. The more you do it the greater the results.

What are the long-term benefits of daily meditation?

A number of studies on the meditation effects have documented the following benefits: lower blood pressure, improved blood circulation, lower heart rate, less perspiration, slower respiratory rate, less anxiety, more feelings of well-being and happiness, stress release, better mental functions, improvement in memory and attention span, more balanced immune system function, better sleep, weight loss and improved metabolism. As well as an overall rejuvenating feeling effect.

Is there a specific long term benefits for TimeSpace app meditations/visualizations versus just a meditation?

In comparison to just meditating by yourself, the beneficial effects of synchronous meditation, such as the TimeSpace app visualizations, are stronger and appear to start sooner.

Do I pay for all 7 apps?

Yes, and you are helping a good cause. You pay to subscribe on a weekly basis with unlimited usage. Each App has four different payment options (Planetary, Solar, Galactic and Universal). To be synchronized the cheapest weekly ticket is Planetary - $0.99.

Why do I have to pay for TimeSpace meditations when most meditations are free?

The are no payments for meditation. The TimeSpace System takes payments only for synchronization. It globally synchronizes all the participants and components of the meditation app – Voice guidance, Attention driver, brainwave signals and ambient signals. If you are buying more expensive weekly pass (lets say, Galactic Pass - $2.99 per week) – there are more things to be synchronized globally onboard your app.

Do I have to have 7 separate subscriptions?

You have the option of subscribing to as many apps as you wish. But if you wish to only subscribe to and pay for one Ride/App at a time, you can simply pay for the one you wish to use until you are ready to use the next one. We recommend to have each Ride for one month and then move to the next Ride. But of course it is up to you, you can use one Ride for two or more months and use some other Rides in the same time.