

Synchronized intention for positive transformation.

TimeSpace Navigator is the most advanced globally synchronized meditation app on the Planet. This powerful system utilizes proprietary Wave Counter, NIST Atomic Clock, GPS satellites and thousands of NTP servers worldwide. 

These apps are developed as a series of 7 TimeSpace Rides that are synchronized with other participants. They are designed to give the "rider" a direct experience of the power of synchronized visualization.

The first five TimeSpace Navigator rides are training rides and the last two TimeSpace Conductor rides are interactive missions.

Benefits of the 7 TimeSpace Rides:

  1. Increased feelings of Peace and Well-Being
  2. A feeling of balance and mind-clarity
  3. Experience the interconnectedness of yourself with Universal energies
  4. Learning how to navigate our Holon (Etheric dream body)
  5. Receive new perceptions and vision
  6. Awakening dormant mind powers
  7. Enhanced lucid dreaming ability
  8. Cultivation of astral or time travel capabilities.

Reality is the Dream. Memory is the Reality